NIGERIA: Is Our Military Ready To Fight BOKO HAR...: NIGERIA: Is Our Military Ready To Fight BOKO HARAM? Over the years, Boko Haram insurgence has been under abeyan...
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Tuesday, 27 May 2014
geophilworld: BOKO HARAM: Is This Year’s Children’s Day WorthCel...
geophilworld: BOKO HARAM: Is This Year’s Children’s Day WorthCel...: BOKO HARAM: Is This Year’s Children’s Day Worth Celebrating? Children’s Day is a day set aside in honour of children all over the world...
BOKO HARAM: Is This Year’s Children’s Day Worth
Children’s Day is a day set aside in honour of children
all over the world, but it is celebrated on different dates globally.
It was first proclaimed in 1925 by the World Conference
for the wellbeing of children, after which it was universally established in
1954 by the United Nations General Assembly to encourage all countries to
institute a date, although, the universal Children’s Day is celebrated annually
on November 20 by the United Nations.

In Nigeria, Children’s Day is celebrated on May 27
annually, and is set aside as a public holiday for primary and secondary school
children. Children from various schools are selected for a march past parade
competition. Parents and other Non Governmental Organizations, organize parties
for children in a bid to give them a sense of belonging.
Today marks the 43rd day since over 200 female
students of Government Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State were abducted by
the Boko Haram insurgents. The abductors have held the girls hostage since they
were whisked off at 11:45pm April 14, 2014, to an unknown location.
The leader of the Islamic sect, Abubakar Shekau, who
spoke sometimes ago, stated that the girls were captured because they were
seeking western education. To him, western education is sin; hence, it is to be
forbidden. He further said, women are to marry and not to be in schools.
After foreign governments offered assistance to rescue
the kidnapped girls from their abductors, Abubakar Shekau came out in a video
clip on May 12, 2014, demanding an exchange of the Chibok girls for members of
his group in the custody of Nigeria’s security agencies. About 100 girls in a
video released by the sect were seen reciting the Quran. The girls have been converted
to Islam contrary to their religious beliefs, which is at variance with the
rights of a child.
Obviously, these girls are not safe; they have become
endangered. You’ll not be wrong if you assert that the Nigerian military is
lethargic in the search for the missing girls.
With the spate of things going on in the north-eastern
part of the country, our children are not safe. Fear has gripped every parent
up to the point that none of them wants their children engaged in any social
event. This is in accordance with the Nigerian Union of Teacher’s (NUT)
declaration that all primary and secondary schools in the country be closed as
at May 22, 2014, in protest against the abduction of the Chibok girls and the
murder of 173 teachers.
Is this year’s children’s day worth celebrating? It is
supposed to be a day where children all over the world would be aware of the
vulnerability of their counterparts to violence, exploitation and
discrimination. Children in some troubled parts of the world are recruited as
child soldiers.
Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the UN, led the
initiative for the education of children, stating that every child must be able
to attend school and improve on the skills acquired in schools.
Of a truth, the essence of the celebration is to promote
mutual understanding among children, and the initiation of actions towards
enhancing the welfare of the Nigerian children.
Our children are the leaders of tomorrow.
Let us protect them.
Monday, 26 May 2014
NIGERIA: Is Our Military Ready To Fight BOKO HARAM?
Over the years, Boko Haram insurgence has been under abeyance until after the April, 2011 general election in which some Nigerian youth under the aegis of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) were murdered in cold blood.
This group is hostile
to the young democracy we are nurturing, and has an ultimate objective of destabilizing
the country. This vicious group has attacked schools, places of worship, slaughtered
students in their dormitories, destroyed villages and government infrastructures,
thus, affecting the economic and social life of the Nigerian people.
So far, more than
12,000 lives have been lost in the process with more than 8,000 persons injured
or maimed. One of the most recent terrorists attack was unleashed on the
innocent students of Government Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State, where
over 200 girls were abducted, and up till now, the girls are still languishing
in the den of these insurgents.
The insurgency which
was formerly localized in the north-eastern part of Nigeria, has evolved into
global terrorism, of which we must all join hands together in eradicating it.
Every Nigerian is
optimistic towards the rescue of the kidnapped school girls following
international governments that have offered assistance to the Nigerian
Without mincing
words, Jonathan has a good heart and is committed to the rescue of the abducted
girls and the subsequent return to their delirious families.
Controversial Islamic
scholar and leader of Shiite Muslim Group, Sheik Ibrahim El-Zakzaky has alleged
that Abubakar Shekau, leader of the Islamic sect, Boko Haram, was being
shielded by the Nigerian military. He said “ Abubakar Shekau is presently being
kept safe in a military camp.” If it is true that the military is shielding this
most wanted person in the world, what then is the need for foreign
The Nigerian military
has always given us high hopes that the issue of insurgency in the country will
soon be a thing of the past.
As much as they are
working assiduously, there are saboteurs among them who are indiscreet on the
intelligence gathering of the military, and as such, attempts to rescue the
girls is proving abortive.
Does it mean we no
longer have men of integrity in the military? Where are we going from here? Such
military personnel should be court-martialed.
Some military
officers have come out to say that the military is poorly funded. Of a truth,
one of the problems of the Nigerian government has been misappropriation of
funds, but if the whole fund budgeted for the fiscal year is allocated to the
military, saboteurs will do a different thing. Little wonder the foreign
military have come out to say that the Nigerian military is hampering the hunt
of the insurgents.
It is 42 days now
since these girls were abducted from the comfort of their dormitory. If the
international community is clamouring for the release of the abducted girls,
how much more we the affected nation would do if we put aside ethnic and
religious sentiments, and fight against our common enemy.
I am very optimistic
that the Nigerian military will win this war against the insurgents.
Let’s join hands
together to save our nation.
Key words:
Global terrorism, indiscreet,
court-martial, saboteurs, integrity.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Many years ago while I was in
primary school, I met a couple of friends with various characters; some were
hilarious, introverts, mesoverts, and the likes. I fell into the group of the
introverts – very quiet and would hardly talk; simply because I was always shy
when I see girls come around.
One of our virtues then was
quietness. Those of us who had it were respected by our teachers as good pupils
of the class. Little did we know that in a way it was bad. One of my friends then who hardly talked, would always come to
me for chatting, but I would decline because his uniform was most often dirty (sorry
if you are offended)
When this friend opened his
mouth, there would be an offensive odour. Hmm! For me not to create any scene, I
would rather keep quiet and allow him to do the talking, until a point would
reach when I could no longer bear the stench. The next I did was to leave. O my
Getting to secondary school, I also
met different kinds of people, one of whom is Demola – a chatterbox, who will
always argue his way through any discussion. I expected him to be a Barrister (but
he is not). As I grew older, I noticed that when I kept quiet over a long
period of time, on opening it, I would perceive an offensive odour (laughs). Am
I now like my friend? God help me!
I knew if continued with that, no
descent girl would talk to me, so I became cautious of myself and would spend
five to ten minutes brushing, so that when I smell or laugh, my white teeth
would be conspicuous.
During my undergraduate days at
school, I had several occasions to talk to some group of students, giving me an
impression that I must always keep clean. I took up the challenge to always
brush my teeth twice a day. Today I meet with people for mentorship, and must
not look offensive before them.
Did you know that when you sleep
your mouth which is shut does not allow for the replacement of warm air with
cooler or fresh air? During this time, saliva is not made.
Saliva has enzymes which start
the digestion process, of which it helps to pick up odours from the food we have
eaten within several hours.
It may interest you to know that
odours are strongest from carbohydrates and less from proteins; whereas in
fatty foods, they are non-existent. The bacteria in the mouth usually react
with the decaying food and drinks, which in effect can culminate in a foul
Bad breath can be caused by a
number of factors like diseases of the teeth, gum and mouth – basically bacteria.
Garlic and onion can also cause bad breath – Halitosis.
Did you know that as senescence
sets in, the tissues of the mouth produce less saliva, thus, resulting in dry
mouth? Even snoring and mouth breathing while sleeping can make the mouth dry.
Personal hygiene is one of the
most effective ways to protect yourself and others from illness. Mouth washes
and sprays will go a long way to giving us good breath. With any of these, you
can talk to anybody without being afraid.
Friday, 16 May 2014

It is said
that Philosophers are great thinkers; and a Philosopher is one who studies
Philosophy. Does this mean that you cannot think of great things if you never
studied Philosophy? No!
The computer
system in use today is a function of the human brain, which has a central
processing unit called the CEREBRUM. This is where higher mental functions like
imagination, reasoning, assimilation, invention, etc, are carried out.
Many great
thinkers like John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, Niccolo Machiavelli, and many
others, had one thing or the other which they contributed to humanity.
what do you think of yourself? Who do you think you are? What do you think you
can do? Do you know you were born great? Do you believe Jack is better than you
are? Do you think you can be among the policy-makers in your organization or do
you accept to remain at the lower level? Why don’t you think of becoming the
best or the first? What can you do that will benefit mankind?
The first
step to change is that you must change the way you think about yourself,
though, it may be difficult to replace the old way of thinking with a new
approach. Many today believe they can’t face challenges. Little do they know
that these challenges come in different forms and at different times,
everywhere – home, office, neighbourhood and even in places of worship.
These challenges
will always come, but you need to be proactive; always think of possible
solutions. For instance, terrorists are who they are today because they always
fill their minds with the ‘I can Do’ spirit (please I’m not encouraging
What do you
fill your mind with? Your actions are subject to your mental inputs. You cannot
give what you don’t have.
V. in one of
his books The Mafia Manager said “choose
the time of the day or night when your energies are highest and let your mind
If you
believe you were born poor, you will remain poor. If you are for mediocrity,
you will remain a mediocre. If yours is to arise from obscurity into limelight,
then you need to acquaint yourself with the necessary tools, skills or
techniques to reaching the centre of public attention. In other words, state to
yourself what you would be, then, do what is necessary.
In our
country today, technical education is not being given the necessary attention. Our
graduates do not have hands-on experience, and as such, they make themselves
How we think
about what counts as real, affects the way we interact and think, hence, fill
your mind with positive thoughts.
Don’t limit
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