Nigeria is a country where
the citizenry expect to see a drastic and holistic change in every sector of
the economy, but very few believe that change
is a process.
Some Nigerians say President
Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is clueless, visionless, and lacks the wherewithal to
lead this nation to her promised land.
The National Identity
Management Commission (NIMC) established by the NIMC Act No.23 of 2007, is the
umbrella body mandated to establish, own, operate, maintain and manage the
National Identity Database in Nigeria.
The body registers Nigerians
and assigns a unique National Identification Number (NIN) after which General
Multi Purpose Cards are issued only to the registered individuals. The question
is 'who is to be registered?'
According to the 1999
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) Chapter 3 Section
25(1) a-c, on Citizenship By Birth, states that
every person born
in Nigeria before the date of independence, either of whose parents or any of
whose grand-parents belongs or belonged to a community indigenous to Nigeria
every person born
in Nigeria after the date of independence either of whose parents or any of
whose grand-parents is a citizen of Nigeria
every person born outside Nigeria either of whose
parents is a citizen of Nigeria.
means that if you belong to any of the aforementioned groups, you are eligible
to be registered.
Another question is ‘is
everybody eligible to have an identity card?’ Only those who have attained
16 years are eligible to have an ID card, while those less than 16 yrs will
only be issued a NIN. Although, there is plan to review the age limit in
Nigerians are curious about
this exercise, and have been asking questions like ‘what happens to the other
ID card?’ ‘Do we need to pay for this?’ ‘Is
anyone given the franchise to register people?’
The registration and first
issuance of the Identity card is FREE, however, there is a cost for any
subsequent card replacement in the event of loss, damage etc. Beware of fraudsters
posing as NIMC agents or staff as nobody is given the franchise to operate, but
there are freelance individuals who help those who cannot access the internet
to do the online pre registration.
President Goodluck Jonathan launching the new national ID card |
This new Nigerian National
I.D card was launched on 28th August, 2014 by president GEJ, and has
features like the holders photograph, name, age and unique I.D no. and the
branded logo of the American firm MasterCard.
The importance of this card
cannot be overemphasized, as it will provide Nigerians the secured, easy and
reliable way of making electronic payments or transactions.
According to president GEJ, “To
all Nigerians, I say, remember the National Identification Number (NIN) is your
identity. The card is not only a means of certifying your identity, but also, a
personal database repository and payment card, all in your pocket!” This means
that with it you can withdraw money in any place.
Sample of the new national ID card |
However, Nigerians are
infuriated over the MasterCard logo, since it is not a Nigerian Identity. They
expect the National colours of green & white, as well as the coat of Arms
to be part of the features. According to NIMC Director of technical services, Mr.
Emmanuel Ogungbe, “the New National I.D card is supposed to assist in tracking
criminals as well.”
If you are yet to avail
yourself for registration please do so at any of the local government secretariats
and other registered centres in your state.